Hi guys!
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.
I'm just letting you all know about a new lifestyle blog which I've started, simply called 'Jessiemapooh' (long story). You can find it here.
This doesn't mean I've abandoned this blog, of course. It's simply another outlet for all the other things I do besides from trying to build a dolls house! :) It will also be updated a lot more than this one, simply because the dolls house is so time consuming and expensive- well, you all know!
I'd love to see some familiar faces over on the new blog :)
Thank you,
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Tiles Are Nearly Finished!
What do you think? I'm definitely getting there! I need to cut the tiles to fit around the edges but in order to do that, I'm going to need to find someone who has a Stanley knife so that I can do it safely haha.
I did have a job getting the tiles to stick over the wire which feeds into the light in the room below (which will one day become the kitchen!). I'd scoured a track in the wood for the wire to lay in so it was flat and secured it with a bit of cellotape but the tiles still didn't like that. I got them to stick eventually by placing a heavy book in the room whilst they dried but unfortunately they don't lie as flat as the rest of them.
You'll know my style by now. I'm a 24 year old female with next to no DIY skills so I did what I thought best- and that was to put the bath there to cover them up! In other areas of my life, I'm a perfectionist but when it comes to dolls house and DIY skills, I simply accept that I'm not perfect but I think it makes for a more personalised house and I feel proud of myself when I finish a room.
Next jobs:
- cut tiles to size
- skirting
- coving
Have a lovely, fantastic Christmas!
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Progress in the Bathroom
The Bathroom Begins!
Good evening, everybody. As you can see, I have continued with the bathroom!
The wallpaper I used was from The Dolls House Emporium and it comfortably covered this little room, plus the wall that lifts up which you can just about see in the picture. As you can see on the back wall, there is a small air bubble which is annoying but it happens! There's practically no avoiding it. You can usually get bubbles out by gently sponging the wall or, if all else fails, hide it with furniture!! You can find a lot of brilliant wallpapers from The Dolls House Emporium or download free printables here.
I use real wallpaper paste on my dolls house and I also used it to secure the floor tiles. I didn't think it would work but it did- brilliantly, so! I found the tiles on Ebay but unfortunately it was just a normal seller getting rid of them as opposed to a shop so I can't give you the details.
I don't plan to have any lights in this room with it being a bathroom. I think I'm going to accessorise with little candle holders when the time comes to fill it!
I'm not looking forward to attempting the skirting without the watchful eye of my grandad, but hey! I will give it my best shot. Any tips will be greatly received! I get all my wood from The Little Green Workshop, which can be found on Ebay here.
Until next time,
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Hello to all my lovely followers!
I have made it a goal of 2013 to blog more often and make a huge effort to complete my Curiosity Shop. I actually struggled to believe that my last post on here was in February- a whole ten months ago. I would like to thank you all for not leaving and continuing to follow the blog despite it being like tumbleweed.
2012 has proved to be a difficult year. I nearly broke myself completing the final year of my degree but I am proud to say the effort has paid off and I was awarded First Class Honours in Youth Work and Youth Studies.
Furthermore, in June, my beautiful Grandad (the one who helped finish the first room) sadly passed away. The thought of soldiering on with the house without his enthusiasm, expertise and general positivity seemed like such an enormous and daunting task.
However, they do say time heals and although the pain is by no means over, I am ready to tackle this project head on!
Please stick around for definite developments in the New Year!
Friday, 10 February 2012
Naughty blogger!
Hey guys!
Am I a naughty blogger, or what?
Am I a naughty blogger, or what?
I have been ultra busy. Not just a bit busy- ultra busy.
I've recently started a new job (still homeless young people but a different project) which I love but it's taking up so much time. Also, still doing my dissertation which is fun (not). Oh, and throw planning a wedding in to the mix and you've just about got it!
Thank you so much for sticking by all this time- and a massive welcome to my new followers!
I'm starting on a new room at the weekend so be sure to call back soon! (I really am- I have the stuff! :D)
Jess x
Monday, 26 December 2011
Christmas goodies!
Hello everyone!

I hope you're having a lovely, relaxed Christmas. I just thought I'd share with you all what miniatures I received yesterday.

Everything above is from the Dolls House Emporium. The above items (in case you fancy them, too) are:
1. Letter box (non opening)
2. Door Plates and Knobs x2
3. Blue and White Jardiniere
4. Granny's Washtub
5. Angel Shelf Sitter
6. Queen Victoria Figurine Teapot
7. Sculptured Bust of Queen Victoria
8. Decorative Coal Shuttle
9. Hinges and Pins, 4 pieces
10. Bride and Groom Picture
11. Twelve larder packets
Here are some close ups of my favourite items:
The items are going to be spread between Wentworth Court and The Curiosity Shop. I'm glad I got the details for the shop front door because now I have no excuse to crack on and get it fixed! I'm also particularly glad I received new hinges as I'm afraid to admit I through the original fixtures away in a flash of bad temper! If anyone can recommend an easier way to do the hinges- please do!
I also received some wallpapers which I shall use in the bathroom and bedroom of the Curiosity Shop. For some reason, on the photos they appear textured- I can state that they are not. The wallpapers are 'Pink Victorian Cameo Wallpaper' and 'Blue Rose Pattern Wallpaper'. I have a huge affinity to the Victorian era for reasons unknown so I simply had to include nods to that era in the Curiosity Shop since Wentworth Court (Georgian era) couldn't possibly allow me to indulge!
This is called 'Victoriana Cut-Out Sheet'.
Have a lovely new year!
Friday, 23 December 2011
I'm branching out with technology!
Hey guys!
Welcome to my newest follower, Patricia :D
There's this thing called 'Pinterest' which is like an amalgamation between facebook/twitter and a regular blog. Basically, you can 'pin' things that interest you and I decided to set one up for miniatures on my wish list!
If you fancy joining, there is a short waiting list (I think I applied a week ago and I'm set up now).
Anyway, if you fancy having a peep- follow me at:
I have no idea if that link works- please tell me if it doesn't!
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